Monday, December 11, 2017

How To Get Through School Sick

Many of us have parents who won't let you skip school when you're sick. Sometimes it's because they don't believe you, other times they don't want you home alone. For me, it's that my parents don't want me to miss something important. Here are the top 5 things I do when I'm at school and sick.

1) Drink Green tea with honey 
This is a common cure for a sore throat. Drinking tea (especially Chinese, Japanese, or American varieties) while you're sick can help the body fight off infections. Warm liquids can also soothe a sore throat. So drinks like freshly-brewed green tea or hot water with lemon are ideal for staying hydrated while helping out that stuffy nose. 

2) Carry tissues 
Though they might take up space in your bag. You don't know who used the tissues last, or what illness they had. Also for all you know they might've wiped their nose on their hand then touched the box. I'm not a germaphobe, but it's gross to know that you're touching a box that someone else, who is also sick grabbed.

3) Carry Hand sanitizer
Just to make sure you don't get anyone else sick. You have no idea who has touched the school computers, or that pencil you borrowed. You also don't know who will touch them. If you use anything that's not yours, and your sick I recommend using hand sanitizer.

4) Eat and drink
I normally eat plain crackers, because they are light on the stomach. I also recommend Spicy foods (like ginger), they’re effective natural decongestants and can help clear symptoms of congestion. And don't forget to DRINK WATER.

5) Avoid Eating and drinking
I avoid mainly milk, though its good to avoid sweets, citrus and spicy foods (like salsa), they might upset your stomach. Also, avoid Fatty foods, my approach is to think 'Will this upset my stomach worse?' If the answer is yes, or I don't know, I would avoid it. Better safe than sorry.
And that's how I survive a sick day at school.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

School Vandalism

Have you ever seen a project or poster displayed in your hall, that's been covered in graffiti?
   Last trimester, in one of my classes I was notified that an interactive poster about fears, that the class worked on, was inappropriately vandalized. Some of the vandalism was simple agreements to the expected interaction, but other parts of the vandalism included graffiti and inappropriate comments. Because the comments were so rude, I won't post a picture of the outcome.
   It sucks that people think its funny and 'cool' to destroy something that we spent days researching and making. I mean even if it's not you, you can at least tell your peers it's not funny. By the way, I'm in high school. You'd think that high schoolers would know better but apparently were not.

   If your one of those students who think it's funny to do that: Think what would it be like to walk down another school's hallway and see a poster vandalized. A poster that consists of sayings mentioning sex, drugs, and consists of satanic symbols. I know that I would immediately think, 'Well this school is trash'. I wouldn't care how nice the school looks, because if a school can't respect their peers then how would they treat another school?

   I want to leave you with this to think about. If you post, wright, or say anything THINK first.

How To Get Through School Sick

Many of us have parents who won't let you skip school when you're sick. Sometimes it's because they don't believe you, othe...